1. Tell us about the property you host

Your property on Guestkit will be the home of all of your guides, contacts, location information and more.

2. Create your guides

Avoid late night phone calls about finding the door or using the lock-box with a professional looking guide.

You can add places from Google Maps, scrolling image galleries, video and more from the editor!

3. Who do your guests need to know?

If you're hosting from a distance, it might be useful to share additional contact information in your Guidebook. Add some basic contact information and we'll include it in your GuestKit contacts page.

4. Publish your property page

Once you hit publish, your property page will be ready to share to any guest via the propety link. It'll contain all your guides, contacts, maps and other information. Any changes you make to your guides will be immediately published here.

Share your link

Share your link with guests so they can use it. We'd suggest creating a paper print-out with the basics with the link attached, and sending it along with any correspondance with your guest. If you're using a Property Management System, add the link to your automatic emails.

We recommend sharing the link a few days in advance of the stay, so guests get an opportunity to review any check-in particularities you might have explained.

Create your guide today

GuestKit is completely free until you publish a property for the first time, with a one month free trial on our Indie plan.

It's quick and easy to get started with our 20+ templates!

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