Instant wifi & welcome sheets

Written by GuestKit

With this release, we're aiming to kill two birds with one stone.

  1. Typing in a long wifi password is a hassle - and in densely populated areas, it can be hard to find the right network.

  2. Some guests don't see your GuestKit link - and you need a physical representation of it.

Connect in seconds with a QR code

Image detailing how you can scan a QR to join a wifi network with guestkit

Guests simply point their phone camera at this code, and they're connected to your wireless network.

To configure one, navigate to your Property, and find "Create a WiFi access printout":

We generate it for you and embed it on a PDF to print out.

Print out a welcome sheet

Editor interface for generating PDF printout for guests to connect to wifi/load guestkit.

When you create an access code, you also create a welcome sheet. Print it out and leave it somewhere prominent. You can create a customised one for each guest, or just a generic one. You could laminate it and mount it to the wall, for example.

At the bottom, you'll see two codes - one with the wifi logo, which connects to the wifi. One with the guestkit logo, that links to the guest guide. Much faster than typing it all out!

Let us know what you think

We're all ears over at - let us know what you're thinking about this new functionality.

About the author

GuestKit helps your guests help themselves - as well as providing local recommendations and a simple method to contact you, all through an accessible and professional app

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