Guestkit is now available offline!

Written by GuestKit

Today we've added a new feature in Guestkit - your guests can now "install" your property as an application on their mobile devices, allowing them quick access from their home screen.

What to click to save offline on the property home page

This feature also allows guests to save an entire guidebook for offline viewing where possible. For some rich integrations and certain types of content we have a placeholder indicating that the content in question isn't available offline.

What's available offline?

When guests save content for offline viewing - the following content is guaranteed to be avaiable:

  • All guide text

  • Guide thumbnail images

We're planning to bring more and more content offline as we develop the platform further, and will update the list above accordingly.

About the author

GuestKit helps your guests help themselves - as well as providing local recommendations and a simple method to contact you, all through an accessible and professional app

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